In the past being viral meant sitting at home on the couch with a box of tissues, chicken noodle soup and your favorite movie. However the advent of the social media has brought new meaning to the term. Video advertising and its ability to be shared over multiple platforms has seen some videos become immortalized with a viewership of over 100 million.
For the most part it is the entertainment value of these videos that spark people’s desire to share them with others. For marketers this can be a windfall, imagine developing a video for your product posting it online for free and receiving millions of views! As a comparison it is estimated that advertisements for the Superbowl can reach more than 90 million people but it will cost you about $2.6 million for 30 seconds of time to achieve that. How do you say savings?
Anyway I came across a video online which I thought was very clever and quite amusing. Take a minute to do what it asks; it will bring a smile to your face. (Try plays with, dances with & you can also use your imagination!!)
Doing my part in world of sharing I have passed this along quite a few times. However, I noticed one thing: I kept referring to it as the Hunter and Bear ad. I am sure the makers of this video, Tipp-Ex, would not like to hear that. This video has surely helped to increase brand awareness of Tip-Ex but could it have done more? I don’t think this ad would move me to purchase Tip-Ex over any of its competitors.
Now I’ll move to the most viewed brand videos of all time according to Advertising Age. Number one is for Blendtec.
If I was in need of a super blender, this video has definitely done its job in swaying me to purchase a Blendtec blender. For viral videos that is the difference for me. Just being viral isn’t necessarily a win but being viral and changing a consumer’s perception…that’s a win.
Being that this method of advertising is in its infancy I’m sure we’ll see more advertisers looking to be more than just viral. If you can watch and pass along a video and still not be able to name the company behind it – Has it failed?
What are some of your favorite viral videos? Have they done anything to change your perception of the product?